Physician Email Lists and Mobile Email Marketing

Physician Email Lists and Mobile Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Physicians Email Lists and Mobile Email Marketing

What are most people doing on their smart phones and tablets these days? Checking their email. According to a recent study, this is the most popular activity on mobile devices, beating out both web browsing and Facebook. (Marketing Land) In fact, 53% of total email opens happened on a mobile device last year compared to only 36% on a desktop or laptop. (emailmonday) At the same time, there’s been a decline in click-through rates vs. open rates of 10% since 2011 (Campaign Monitor) which can be attributed to poor mobile optimization. Obviously, this makes getting your message as well as your website optimized for this viewing option.

Marketing to Your Doctor Email List Takes Finesse

The most common time to click is right after opening a healthcare email database – if you’re not optimizing for mobile you may be missing many potential doctor email list conversions. Mobile-friendly healthcare email marketing doesn’t have to be difficult; here are some best practices to integrate into your next email marketing campaign.

Best Practices for Using Your Healthcare Email Lists on Mobile

Build Trust – Who is the “from” name? Make sure you’re building trust by using a name your recipients will know to make sure they’ll open your mail. Doctors are busy professionals so make sure your content is short, sweet, and relatable.

Optimize the Subject Line – Keep it short and get to the point, but don’t forget to be compelling and creative. Focus on the first 4-5 words to ensure people know what you want to tell them and have a sense of immediacy to want to open your message.

Limit Your Content – I am a big fan of A,B,C, 1,2,3. Keep your doctor email marketing language simple. Readers generally spend less than 4 seconds scanning the content of your physician email list. It’s best to keep things short, like bullet points, with an offer, expiration, or other action item added to help get them to click or pass along.

Optimize the Pre-header – The text above your header is often the first thing that’s visible, especially on smart phones. Usually it’s a “to view this message in your browser” but look at it as an opportunity to offer a call to action or some other unique message.

Use Images in your physician email list – Most mobile email clients default to having images turned on. Select or create quality, compelling images that are linked to your content. However, it’s also important to keep your messages small and light. While mobile speeds are getting faster, they’re still not quite up to broadband Internet. A good rule of thumb is to optimize your images and try to keep your email under 10k per send.

Optimize the Layout for Mobile – Don’t make people hunt for your call to action, make it big and obvious. Put the unsubscribe link far from your call to action so it’s not easy to accidently click on it. 

We all want our physician email list campaigns to have the maximum impact and reach. Optimizing for mobile is necessary to achieve your marketing goals, but is relatively simple. Keep these factors in mind and your campaigns will be ready for the most popular platforms that people are using today.

Visit Physician Data today and build your medical email list in minutes. No phone calls or back and forth emails for counts and pricing. At Physician Data we cut out the friction and make doctor email list purchasing a snap:

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